Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Competent Logo Design

The five logos that show a high level of effectiveness and branding are Nike, Michael Kors, McDonald's, The Home Depot, and the Buffalo Sabres.

Each of these logos contains clever design elements which help to achieve their goals and ultimately make their logo a house hold name.  Nike is a logo that every person knows.  It is a simple black swoosh who's semi-diagonal orientation which gives the viewer a feeling of motion.  Nike is an athletic sports wear company and their logo helps the viewer to understand the goals of the company.

Michael Kors is a particularly interesting brand that shows the importance of repetition in branding and advertising.  The company uses the initials "M" and "K" which clearly represents to the viewer Michel Kors.   They are a fashion design company that specializes in trendy, high end clothing and accessories.  I have noticed that when they design a purse or something similar, they put their logo on the bag a seemingly infinite number of times.  As a person who has never bought a purse, I still know a Michael Kors purse when I see it because of the repetitive use of a simple logo comprised of the designers initials.

McDonald's has a very strong logo design.  Many fast food companies have put many research and marketing dollars into figuring out the scientific causes of hunger.  The color combination of red and yellow has been scientifically proven to illicit a hunger response from a person viewing the colors.  Many fast food chains such as Chic-fil-A, Checkers, Hardees, and many more food companies use the color red in their logos in order to efficiently reach their goals.

The logo used by The Home Depot is very effective.  It has the entire company's name within the logo written on a diagonal axis which helps to initiate the idea of moving forward.  The background color is a bright orange which is often seen on construction sites being used as safety gear.  The color combination in association with the company name The Home Depot, tells it's viewer that this company has a large array of home related goods.  The orange coloring suggests the goods are focused on a home improvement or construction theme.

The Buffalo Sabres logo has long been hailed as one of the best logos in modern sports.  Yes I am biased because I am a fan of the team, but it is actually something which has been objectively commented on by graphic designers as well as fans of the sports world.  The charging buffalo is representing the name of the city obviously while the dual crossed sabre swords represent the team name.  The logo consists of blue, gold, and white with the main images in the logo being filled in white.  It is by far one of the most visually communicative logos I have seen that expertly gets it's message across to anyone familiar with sports.

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